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Extract | Awaiting the Harvest


Love Saves


Our understanding of love deepens through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Believers often desire a fresh anointing with the Spirit. Our hearts yearn to become his dwelling. We long for the fruit of the Spirit to manifest as love in our daily lives, so we can help our loved ones with grace and keep our hearts clean in relationships. If we listen closely, the Spirit can lead us to discover what’s stopping us from getting closer to others. His work makes it possible for us to, after a while, reap an abundant harvest of love.

Day 1

Keeping the memories alive

Those who truly love each other continue to believe in love even if reality has eroded romance. As an attribute of the fruit of the Spirit, such true love continues building up others. True love doesn’t die. It still feels at home in your heart years after a loved one’s death.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy,
it does not boast, it is not proud.
– 1 Corinthians 13:4


Lord, please comfort me. Sadness about my loved one passing away sometimes tears me apart. I’m not always as strong as I should be. Your Spirit will lift me up to where I belong – in your arms. Thank You for a love that stood the test of time.

Day 2

Restoring broken trust

The most crucial characteristic of romantic love is trust. It’s a safety net when disillusionment wants to take over. When trust in relationships breaks down, we can call on the Spirit to step in and bring consolation. Love the second time around is possible when God picks up the pieces of a broken heart and mends it.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your strength.
– Deuteronomy 6:5


Father God, replace my anxiety about my relationship with my beloved with your perfect peace. I know I’m not as loving and trusting as a partner must be. May I become more loving and trusting through your Spirit’s indwelling in me.


Day 3

When the waiting comes to an end

When loving our neighbours, there’s always time to wait prayerfully for the Spirit to place new truths about love in our hearts. Therefore, it’s necessary to open our hearts to spread love. In his compassion, God works with each one of us uniquely in this area of our lives.

Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against
anyone among your people, but love your
neighbour as yourself. I am the LORD.
– Leviticus 19:18


Lord, give me the courage to put the past behind me. Reveal new life directions to me while I’m rethinking my relationships. Every day with You is a healing opportunity for the Spirit to refine my thoughts. Help me to develop a new identity in Jesus and to reach out to others in a new way.